
A view on a tensor of any dimensionality.

Properties properties

slice_selection sliceselection

How to select the slice of the tensor to show.

  • width: Which dimension to map to width.
  • height: Which dimension to map to height.
  • indices: Selected indices for all other dimensions.
  • slider: Any dimension listed here will have a slider for the index.

scalar_mapping scalarmapping

Configures how scalars are mapped to color.

  • mag_filter: Filter used when zooming in on the tensor.
  • colormap: How scalar values map to colors.
  • gamma: Gamma exponent applied to normalized values before mapping to color.

view_fit viewfit

Configures how the selected slice should fit into the view.

Example example

Use a blueprint to create a TensorView. use-a-blueprint-to-create-a-tensorview

"""Use a blueprint to show a tensor view."""

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr
import rerun.blueprint as rrb

rr.init("rerun_example_tensor", spawn=True)

tensor = np.random.randint(0, 256, (32, 240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
rr.log("tensor", rr.Tensor(tensor, dim_names=("batch", "x", "y", "channel")))

blueprint = rrb.Blueprint(
        # Explicitly pick which dimensions to show.
            # Use the first dimension as width.
            # Use the second dimension as height and invert it.
            height=rr.TensorDimensionSelection(dimension=2, invert=True),
            # Set which indices to show for the other dimensions.
                rr.TensorDimensionIndexSelection(dimension=2, index=4),
                rr.TensorDimensionIndexSelection(dimension=3, index=5),
            # Show a slider for dimension 2 only. If not specified, all dimensions in `indices` will have sliders.
        # Set a scalar mapping with a custom colormap, gamma and magnification filter.
        scalar_mapping=rrb.TensorScalarMapping(colormap="turbo", gamma=1.5, mag_filter="linear"),
        # Fill the view, ignoring aspect ratio.

Visualized archetypes visualized-archetypes