Migrating from 0.17 to 0.18

⚠️ Breaking changes -breaking-changes

DepthImage and SegmentationImage depthimagehttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypesdepthimage-and-segmentationimagehttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypessegmentationimage

The DepthImage and SegmentationImage archetypes used to be encoded as tensors, but now they are encoded as blobs of bytes with an ImageFormat consisting of a resolution and a datatype. The resolution is now specified in [width, height] order.

The Python & Rust APIs are largely unchanged, but in particular C++ users need to be careful to use the correct shape order. Also, C++ constructors have changed and expect now either rerun::Collection or raw pointers as their first arguments respectively:


rec.log("segmentation", rerun::SegmentationImage({HEIGHT, WIDTH}, data));
rec.log("depth", rerun::DepthImage({HEIGHT, WIDTH}, data).with_meter(10000.0));


rec.log("segmentation", rerun::SegmentationImage(data.data(), {WIDTH, HEIGHT}));
rec.log("depth", rerun::DepthImage(pixels.data(), {WIDTH, HEIGHT}).with_meter(10000.0));

Image imagehttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypesimage

The Image and SegmentationImage archetypes used to be encoded as tensors, but now they are encoded as blobs of bytes with an ImageFormat consisting of a resolution and a datatype. Special formats like NV12 are specified by a PixelFormat enum which takes precedence over the datatype and color-model specified in the ImageFormat. The resolution is now specified in [width, height] order.


The data argument of the Image() constructor has been removed. The first default parameter is now image, which can be a numpy.ArrayLike, which will also be used to extract the relevant metadata. Alternatively images can also be constructed using a bytes argument, but the resolution and pixel format must be provided explicitly.


Argument order has changed. Also, make sure to specify resolution in the corrected order:


rec.log("image", rerun::Image({HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3}, data));


rec.log("image", rerun::Image(data, {WIDTH, HEIGHT}, datatypes::ColorModel::RGB));

The same can now also achieved with this utility:

rec.log("image", rerun::Image::from_rgb24(data, {WIDTH, HEIGHT}));

EncodedImage encodedimagehttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypesencodedimage

EncodedImage is our new archetype for logging an image file, e.g. a PNG or JPEG.


rr.ImageEncoded is deprecated. Image files (JPEG, PNG, …) should instead be logged with EncodedImage, and chroma-downsampled images (NV12/YUY2) are now logged with the new Image archetype:


rr.log("NV12", rr.ImageEncoded(contents=nv12_bytes, format=rr.ImageFormat.NV12((height, width))))


rr.log("NV12", rr.Image(bytes=nv12_bytes, width=width, height=height, pixel_format=rr.PixelFormat.NV12))


  • Removed TensorBuffer::JPEG
  • Removed TensorData::from_jpeg_bytes
  • Deprecated Image::from_file_path and from_file_contents

For all of these, use EncodedImage instead.

mesh_material: Material has been renamed to albedo_factor: AlbedoFactor #6841 meshmaterial-material-has-been-renamed-to-albedofactor-albedofactor-6841httpsgithubcomreruniorerunpull6841

The field mesh_material in Mesh3D is now named albedo_factor and wraps a datatypes.Rgba32.

When constructing a Mesh3D:

  • C++ & Rust: .with_mesh_material(Material::from_albedo_factor(color))with_albedo_factor(color)
  • Python: mesh_material=rr.Material(albedo_factor=color)albedo_factor=color

Overhaul of Transform3D overhaul-of-transform3dhttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypestransform3d

Previously, the transform component was represented as one of several variants (an Arrow union, enum in Rust) depending on how the transform was expressed, sometimes nested within. (for instance, the TranslationRotationScale3D variant had internally several variants for rotation & scale).

Instead, there are now several components for translation/scale/rotation/matrices that can live side-by-side in the 3D transform archetype.

For this purpose TranslationRotationScale3D and TranslationAndMat3x3 datatypes & components have been removed and split up into new components:

All components are applied to the final transform in the opposite order they're listed in. This means that if translation, rotation & scale are applied, then (just as in 0.17 and earlier), the object is first scaled, then rotated and then translated (from the point of view of the parent space).

When a Transform3D archetype is sent, all components are written, even if you don't set them. This means that if you first log a Transform3D with a Translation3D and then later another Transform3D with a RotationQuat, this will result in an entity that is only rotated.

Other changes in data representation:

  • Scaling no longer distinguishes uniform and 3D scaling in its data representation, it is now always expressed as 3 floats with the same value. Helper functions are provided to build uniform scales.
  • Angles (as used in RotationAxisAngle) are now always stored in radians, conversion functions for degrees are provided.


The Transform3D archetype no longer has a transform argument. Use one of the other arguments instead.


rr.log("myentity", rr.Transform3D(rr.TranslationRotationScale3D(translation=Vec3D([1, 2, 3]), from_parent=True)))


rr.log("myentity", rr.Transform3D(translation=Vec3D([1, 2, 3]), relation=rr.TransformRelation.ChildFromParent))


Most of the previous constructors of rerun::Transform3D archetype are still present. However, most of them expect now concrete components which oftentimes makes automatic type conversion fail.

It's recommended to use the new explicit factory methods instead. For example:


rec.log("myentity", rerun::Transform3D({1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}));


rec.log("myentity", rerun::Transform3D::from_translation({1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}));

Since all aspects of the transform archetypes are now granular, they can be chained with with_ functions:


Note that the order of the method calls does not affect the order in which transformation is applied!

rerun::Transform3D::IDENTITY has been removed, use rerun::Transform3D() to start out with an empty archetype instead that you can populate (e.g. rerun::Transform3D().with_mat3x3(rerun::datatypes::Mat3x3::IDENTITY)).

Scale is no longer an enum datatype but a component with a 3D vector: Before:

auto scale_uniform = rerun::Scale3D::Uniform(2.0);
auto scale_y = rerun::Scale3D::ThreeD([1.0, 2.0, 1.0]);


auto scale_uniform = rerun::Scale3D::uniform(2.0);
auto scale_y = rerun::Scale3D::from([1.0, 2.0, 1.0]);


rerun::archetypes::Transform3D no longer has a new, use other factory methods instead, e.g. from_translation_rotation_scale or from_mat3x3


rec.log("myentity", &rerun::archetypes::Transform3D::new(translation))?;


rec.log("myentity", &rerun::archetypes::Transform3D::from_translation(translation))?;

Instead of building the now removed Transform3D component, you often can use the archetype directly:


impl From<GltfTransform> for rerun::components::Transform3D {
    fn from(transform: GltfTransform) -> Self {


impl From<GltfTransform> for rerun::Transform3D {
    fn from(transform: GltfTransform) -> Self {

Since all aspects of the transform archetypes are now granular, they can be chained with with_ functions:


Note that the order of the method calls does not affect the order in which transformation is applied!

Transform3D::clear is named so, because whenever you send the Transform3D archetype, it will clear ALL of its components, by sending an empty value for them. This means logging a Transform3D::from_rotation(…) followed by a Transform3D::from_translation(…) will only result in the translation, as the later log call will clear the previous rotation.

OutOfTreeTransform3D removed in favor of InstancePoses3D outoftreetransform3d-removed-in-favor-of-instanceposes3dhttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypesinstanceposes3d

InstancePoses3D fulfills an extended role: It works more similar to the Transform3D archetype and is supported by all 3D spatial primitives. Furthermore, it can be used for instancing 3D meshes and is used to represent the poses of boxes and ellipsoids/spheres.


Asset3D previously had a transform argument, now you have to send either a InstancePoses3D or a Transform3D on the same entity: Before:

rr.log("world/asset", rr.Asset3D(
            rr.TranslationRotationScale3D(translation=center, scale=scale)


rr.log("world/asset", rr.Asset3D(path=path), rr.InstancePoses3D(translation=center, scale=scale))


Asset3D previously had a transform field, now you have to send either a InstancePoses3D or a Transform3D on the same entity: Before:

rec.log("world/asset", rerun::Asset3D::from_file(path).value_or_throw()




Asset3D previously had a transform field, now you have to send either a InstancePoses3D or a Transform3D on the same entity: Before:

rec.log("world/asset", &rerun::Asset3D::from_file(path)?


rec.log("world/asset", &rerun::Asset3D::from_file(path)?)?;
rec.log("world/asset", &rerun::InstancePoses3D::default().with_translations([translation]))?;

Boxes3D changes boxes3dhttpsreruniodocsreferencetypesarchetypesboxes3d-changes

centers is now a PoseTranslation3D instead of a Position3D component. The main difference in behavior is that this means it overlaps with the newly introduced InstancePoses3D archetype.

rotation was removed in favor of rotation_axis_angles and quaternions which are PoseRotationAxisAngle and PoseRotationQuat(https://rerun.io/docs/reference/types/components/pose_rotation_quat) components. Consequently, instead of using with_rotations (C++/Rust) or rotation= (Python) you'll need to use with_quaternions/quaternions= or with_rotation_axis_angles/rotation_axis_angles= respectively.