Air traffic data

Display air traffic data kindly provided by INVOLI.

This example demonstrates multiple aspects of the Rerun viewer:

Run the code run-the-code

To run this example, make sure you have Python version at least 3.9, the Rerun repository checked out and the latest SDK installed:

pip install --upgrade rerun-sdk  # install the latest Rerun SDK
git clone  # Clone the repository
cd rerun
git checkout latest  # Check out the commit matching the latest SDK release

Install the necessary libraries specified in the requirements file:

pip install -e examples/python/air_traffic_data

To experiment with the provided example, simply execute the main Python script:

python -m air_traffic_data

If you wish to customize it, explore additional features, or save it use the CLI with the --help option for guidance:

python -m air_traffic_data --help